Lori has been a nationally certified massage therapist since 2005. She is also a Reiki I practioner. In July 2008, she completed 25 hours of training in Everflowing Touch Techniques for Hospice Care with Irene Smith, a pioneer in Hospice Massage beginning in 1982. Lori is also a Hospice volunteer at Royal of Fairhaven, through Allegience Hospice in New Bedford, MA.
Lori offers a gentle, mindful massage & Reiki performed with the intention of comforting the seriously ill & dying. Such massage decreases pain by stimulating the release of endorphins, promotes peace within a body that is transitioning to the next life, or is simply hard to live in, witnesses to the sacredness of all human life, decreases anxiety, and reduces stress.
She also offers therapeutic massage in office or at your own home. Depending on your needs, it will be a combination of swedish massage, deep tissue, and trigger point therapy for relief from pain such as tendonitis, headaches, and sciatica for example.
MISSION STATEMENT (for Hospice Massage):
To serve any seriously ill or dying person in the surrounding communities through gentle mindful massage and Reiki with the intent to empower them with comfort, peace, and a sense of the sacredness of all human life.